Saturday, September 25, 2010

Just made some lovely "energy bars" for my #toddler grandson and he LOVES 'em! An egg (whipped WELL), some canned sweet potatoes (drained but not rinsed for sweetness), a little oat and a little rice baby cereal leftover from his babyhood, a dried prune for sweetness, some unsweetened coconut flakes, a little healthy coconut oil, a scoop of his toddler formula, a tiny bit of baking powder and a tiny bit of baking soda. (Sorry, I don't measure when I cook or bake.) Poured the thick batter into a small greased loaf pan, and baked at 350 about 30 minutes until done (bounces back, knife comes out clean). When it cooled, I sliced it into toddler-sized slices and put them back into the oven on a flat baking sheet to harden slightly. He is nuts over these things, wants more and more!

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