Monday, May 17, 2010

WHOA! Great Web Resource! #lowcarb

I happened upon the eBookBeta site this morning while looking for resources for my other blog. After I finished there, I did a quick search for low carb recipes and really hit pay dirt! What an AMAZING resource, not just for this subject, but seemingly for any other subject as well!

In the search that I've linked to my title above, the first link I clicked was invalid (I hadn't found any invalid links in my earlier search for my other blog), but the second one - 300 Healthy + Tasty Low Carb Recipes - looked very promising. As I was perusing it I saw that it might not be appropriate for all low carb plans, as some of the recipes do use ingredients that the more conservative of us low-carbers might not use. But the same can be said for many "low-carb" recipes, as that phrase has different meanings for different people and different plans. But, as always, we have to do our own research, know our own plans, be familiar with our own bodies' responses, and then change or dismiss what doesn't work for each of us.

But there are an incredible number of links to recipes and collections here, and definitely worth perusing for say nothing of finding files of information on just about any topic! I'm really excited to have found this site :).

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